
Pupil Premium & Sports Funding

Disadvantaged Subsidy

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gap between them and their peers. Funding is based on children who have registered for a 'free school' meal at any point in the last 6 years; have a parent who works in the armed forces; or a child who is looked after/ or has been previously for more than 6 months.
PE and Sports Funding

At Fritchley CofE (Aided) Primary and Nursery School we value the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of the children. Our Primary School Sport’s Funding will enable us to continue and extend our provision through employing additional sports professionals, entering into more competitive sports competitions and training our staff to deliver in-house quality PE sessions. Full details of how we plan to spend this money are given below:
In July 2024 100% of Year 6 children could swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.  100% could use a range of strokes effectively (for example front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke and 100% could perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.