
Hardwick - Nursery/Reception

Welcome to Hardwick Class!
Hardwick Class is where we welcome the youngest learners into school to begin their learning journey. The children in this class are either in nursery (pre-school) or reception (the first year of school.) They are taught by Mrs Hurton and Mrs Deaville supported by Mrs Tannahill, Miss Phillips and Mrs Byard. 
The children in this class have the best of both worlds - learning through play, exploration and communication whilst being able to join in with the day to day life of the whole school. Children in Hardwick follow the Early Years Framework. More information about this curriculum can be found here.
Daily Routine:
In Hardwick we complete phonics and maths learning in the mornings and have plenty of time to explore and play in our continuous provision both indoors and outdoors. Then in the afternoons we learn about our topic through a range of activities, as well as RE, PHSE, music, PE and 'Forest Friends'. Each term we introduce a new topic and use continuous provision themed around this topic.

Autumn Term 2024

As a mixed aged class, we have a 2-year cycle of planning. Our autumn term topic is a history focus theme ‘Discovers’. The title of our topic is: 


What do I know about the past?


We begin our school year by discovering the past. We will look at how we have changed since we were a baby. Sharing photos and talking about our families, we introduce the term ‘timeline’ and sequence pictures and events.

Long term plan (cycle A) for further inform linked to Early Learning Goals and Development Matters.

In our stand-alone subjects, we will be studying:



Autumn 1

Autumn 2





Being Me

Difference and Diversity


Which stories are special and why?         

Why do Christians perform Nativity plays at Christmas?



My Stories




The children in Hardwick Class also take part in daily phonics sessions. We follow the 'Little Wandle' program to enable the children to learn their letters and sounds. More information for parents can be found here.
Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine is a core of books that create a living library inside a child’s mind. It is a store of classics and essential reads that help children engage at a deeper level and enter the world of the story.  Please follow the links below for the reading spines for each year group.
Useful information for parents of children starting reception in September:
Thinking of applying for a place for your child? 
Please contact Mrs Smith in the school office (01773 852216) to arrange a tour of the school.
You can apply for a reception place from 6th November 2023 through Derbyshire County Council by following the link here.
For nursery places, please contact Mrs Smith.
Thank you