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Chatsworth - Year 5/6

Chatsworth is a mixed-age class of Year 5 and 6. There are currently 18 children in the class. They are taught by Mrs Devonport and supported by Mrs Sezgin and Mrs Tannahill.  Chatsworth Class take great pride in being mentors, coaches and mini leaders within school. They lead School Council, help with nursery and also lead activities for all the children within school at lunchtimes.
The children in Chatsworth Class are keen nature lovers. They enjoy taking part in 'Monday Manoeuvres' sessions each week where they explore nature, wildlife and gardening throughout the year.

Where in the world are we?


We are explorers

 Spring Term 2025


Our focus in the Spring term is exploring our local area. The children will learn all about the physical and human geography of the area surrounding the school as well as completing a fieldwork studies on land use. As part of this, the children will consider the needs of our local area to determine whether Fritchley needs a shop.

The novels underpinning our learning this term will be ‘Skellig’ by David Almond and ‘The London Eye Mystery’ by Siobhan Dowd. Skellig will also inspire our DT project creating model owls.


During this term, the children will be completing the next stage of their Bikeability training and complete a walk to survey the local area. 

In our stand alone subjects, we will be studying:



Spring 1

Spring 2


Animals including humans.

Human life cycle


 Evolution and inheritance.


Flat File Databases

Programming: Microbits




Racket Skills

Fitness/ dance


Digital Wellbeing




What does it mean if God

is holy and loving?


What did Jesus do to save

human beings? 


The date and birthdays

My Family


A New Year Carol

You’ve got a friend


Essential Information
Monday - reading record check and spelling test.
                Monday Manouvres (Outdoor Learning)
Tuesday - PE 
Friday - PE
Children are welcome to keep both their PE kit and Outdoor Learning kit in school.
Were all ancient civilisations the same?
We are discoverers
Autumn Term 2024
We begin the year by discovering the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Sumer, Indus Valley and The Shang Dynasty. This will then lead on to in depth studies of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Maya. Our enrichment activities are an immersive Science Week which will include a trip to The National Space Centre.
In our stand alone subjects, we will be studying:
Subject Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Science Week: Space The Circulatory System
Systems and Networks Media: vector drawing
Athletics Invasion games: handball
Aiming High Safety First
Understanding Christianity: 
People of God
How can following God bring
freedom and justice?
Understanding Christianity:
What would Jesus do?
Names and Greetings Numbers and Colours
Charanga: Happy Charanga: History of Jazz
You can see our highlights below
Science Week
During Science Week, we invesitgated lots of questions to do with space such as why can't we see all of the moon all of the time? And which material we show the biggest impact if a meteor hit it? This combined with a visit to The National Space Centre led to lots of hands on learning and heaps of fun!
Can a pot tell a story?
We are creators
Summer 2024
This term is all about being creative in many different ways. We begin with a week focused on Design Technology where the children will take inspiration from Aesop's Fables to create their own pop up book. This is followed by a hybrid Art and History topic as children explore life in Ancient Greece through studying pottery. Children will learn to coil to create their own pots, attach handles, create relief work of everyday life and also have a go at throwing their own vase on a potter's wheel.
In our stand alone subjects, we will be studying:
Subject Summer 1 Summer 2
Light Animal and plant life cycles
Data Spreadsheets Variables in games
Gymnastics, striking and fielding games Outdoor and adventurous activities
Money Matters PSHE, Citizenship and Relationships Education
What difference does the ressurection make to Christians? How does a Muslim show commitment to Allah?
Saying what I and others do Expressing likes and dislikes
Dancing in the street Reflect, rewind and replay
Does the environment affect the way we live?
We are explorers
Spring Term 2024
Our focus in the Spring term is exploring life in Scandanavia. The children will learn all about the physical and human geography of the region as well as completing a study on Oslo. As part of this, the children will compare our local area and discuss the similarities and differences with a family living in the city. They will also explore aspects of culture and education including making and tasting some traditional Scandinavian food. Our work in English focuses on books by Scandinavian authors including Wafflehearts by Maria Parr.
In the first part of the Spring term, the children will be completing the next stage of their Bikeability training and in the second, we will be visiting Whitehall for our two night stay. 
In our stand alone subjects, we will be studying:
Subject Spring 1 Spring 2
Science Classifying living things and their habitats. Properties of materials
Computing   Media: 3D modelling Programming: quizzes
PE Dodgeball Gymnastics
PSHE It's my body One World
RE What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
Understanding Christianity: Incarnation
Was Jesus the messiah?
MFL Saying what I and others do. Saying where you're going and what there is there.
Music Make you feel my love. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
You can see our highlights below
How did the Tudors change the face of Great Britian?
We are discoverers
Autumn 2023
We began our school year by discovering the fascinating world of The Tudors. We explored the impact of each Tudor monarch and considered the legacy they each left which can still be seen today. Alongside this, our design technology work involved some tasty Tudor treats. Our work in English further enriched this topic as we studyed the BBC Teach version of Macbeth.
In our stand alone subjects, we studied:
Subject Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Science Enquiry Electricity
Computing Media: Video Editing Systems and Networks
PE Athletics Invasion games
PSHE VIPs Be Yourself
Understanding Christianity:
Understanding Christianity:
French Pleased to meet you Saying what I and others have
Music Livin' on a prayer Classroom Jazz
You can see our highlights below
Tudor Knot Biscuits
We have thoroughly enjoyed our design technology work this term as it has been all about biscuits! The Tudor people were keen on spices such as cinnamon and clove which helped to disguise the flavour of heavily salted or rotting meat! Luckily for us, our Tudor Knot Biscuits, inspired by the original recipe for Jumbles via Paul Hollywood, were delicious!
Each child tested out a range of spice biscuits and used this to inspire their own flavour profile. They also practised their knots using playdough before creating their final biscuit.
You can find the recipe we based ours on here
Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine is a core of books that create a living library inside a child’s mind. It is a store of classics and essential reads that help children engage at a deeper level and enter the world of the story.  Please follow the links below for the reading spines for each year group.
Learning Online
We love using a range of apps and games in our learning. You can follow the links below to access the sites we use. Adults, please check these before allowing your child to use them.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar: