

At Fritchley Primary School, we aim to work together with parents and carers to achieve the best individual outcomes for each child. One of the ways we do this is via this section of the website where we publish useful information and links to help your child or children at home and at school. Please use the resources to support your child or children as much as you wish.
The Department of Education is launching it's new campaign 'Give your child a helping hand’ in January 2018. The campaign highlights the essential role that parents and carers can play in helping their children do well at school and improve their life chances.

Give Your Child A Helping Hand

Department of Education

See information below on how our school provides for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). SEN Information Report
See how our school is doing by following this link to the Department of Education Website. Department of Education – Fritchley Primary
See our latest Ofsted report. OFSTED – Fritchley Primary
Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – DIASS (formerly Parent Partnership) provide free, impartial and confidential information to parents and children and young people on issues around education, health and social care, relating to special educational provision. (see attached leaflet for further information)