
Haddon - Year 1/2

Haddon Class is a mixed-age class of Year 1 and 2. There are currently 27 children in this class. They are taught by Miss O'Shea and supported by Ms Birks. The children in Haddon Class love to learn through exploration and play. 
How are flowers portrayed in art?
We are creators
Summer 2024
During the Summer term we will be exploring some ways that flowers are portrayed in art.  We will be learning about the work of a range of artists, focusing on Franz Bauer, Claude Monet and Takashi Murakami. Children will use a range of materials and techniques to creatively  design and develop their own work.


In our stand alone subjects, children will be studying:

Subject Summer 1 Summer 2
Science Growing Plants Life Cycles
Computing          Creating media – Digital writing          Introduction to Animation
PE Gymnastics / Net and Wall Games Outdoor Adventurous Activities
PSHE Money Matters Growing Up
RE What makes a person Jewish? In what way is a synagogue important to believers?
Music Your Imagination Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Essential Information
Monday - Spelling test 
Monday and Friday -  PE
Children are taught by:
Miss O'Shea Monday - Thursday
Mrs Turner and Mrs Deaville on Friday.
Children are welcome to keep their PE kit in school.
For their daily bag, we politely request that children bring in a flat book bag rather than a rucksack as the space in the cloakroom is limited.
Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine is a core of books that create a living library inside a child’s mind. It is a store of classics and essential reads that help children engage at a deeper level and enter the world of the story.  Please follow the links below for the reading spines for each year group.
The Year 1 children in Haddon Class also take part in daily phonics sessions. We follow the 'Little Wandle' program to enable the children to learn their letters and sounds. More information for parents can be found here.
In PSHE, the children have thought about how they should treat their VIPs. As part of this, they have tested and evaluated their own collaboration skills, whilst completing tangram challenges.
Who has been stealing the milk? An unknown local animal has been stealing milk from outside houses!  In order to solve the crime, we have used our skills to classify animals, investigate (fake) faeces and analyse footprints. 
What an amazing visit from Jungle Jo!  The children learned even more about how we can classify animals whilst getting close to a selection of Jungle Jo's animals, including a tree frog and a hissing cockroach.
How are flowers portrayed in art?
We have been using tools to create an impressionist pond, in the style of Monet.