
What We Do

The governors are responsible for seeing that the school is run effectively and within the framework set by legislation and LA policies. We do not take detailed decisions about the day-to-day management of the school. Specific duties would include setting and monitoring the budget, and appointing staff.
The Headteacher is responsible for organising and managing the school and its staff, and for taking day to day decisions, within the guidelines set by the governing body.
Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The School Governors represent different aspects of the community.
As Governors we are interested in your view of the school and any improvements you would like to see take place.
The Governing Board of our school plays an important role in supporting the Headteacher, school staff and parents/carers.
Together with the Headteacher, the Governors help set the future direction for our school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent to facilitate this. Governors also make decisions on school policies, school development plans and performance targets.

Staff Governors:
A staff Governor can be any member of staff, teaching or support and is elected by other members of staff.

Foundation Governors:
As Fritchley Primary & Nursery is a church school, our Foundation Governors are appointed through our local church, St Mary’s.

Parent Governors:
Any parent/carer of a pupil at the school is eligible to stand for election as a Parent Governor for the school. Other parents/carers elect the Parent Governors.

Local Authority Governors:
Local Authority Governors are appointed by the Local Authority and can be from any walk of life, and not necessarily living in the area.

Associate Governors:
Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decision made by committees to which they are appointed.

All elected or appointed governors are to serve for a period of four years. 
To contact the Governing Body, please enquire at the school office, or email Mrs Nicola Lancaster at n.lancaster@fritchley.derbyshire.sch.uk or Gwen Roe at g.roe@fritchley.derbyshire.sch.uk