

EYFS Curriculum
To enable children to develop the seven areas of learning are followed:

Prime areas of learning:

  • Communication and Language (Listening, attention and understanding; and Speaking)
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships)
  • Physical Development (Gross motor skills and fine motor skills)
Specific areas of learning:

  • Literacy (Comprehension, Word reading and Writing)
  • Maths (Number and Numerical patterns)
  • Understanding of the World (Past and present; People, culture and communities; and The natural world)
  • Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with materials and Being imaginative and expressive)
Learning Environment
The outside area is seen as an extension of the classroom and the above opportunities will be available outside as well as inside.
Through all of our strands we aim to develop the children as they Play and Explore, be an Active Learner and to have Creative and Critical Thinking.

The staff are constantly assessing the children in their everyday activities, play and through more focussed adult-led interactions and sessions. We use observations of the children, photos, the work that they do, feedback from parents and comments made by the children to assess where the pupils are working. Evidence is recorded on ClassDojo Portfolio.

The new EYFS Framework and Development Matters documents are used to inform the curriculum, the enhancements in the provision and next steps for pupils. The new Development Matters gives statements for the ages of the children.

The planning focus for each term and each week is taken from the Long Term Plan, the agreed focus, the previous week’s findings, the interests of the children and the next steps.

Useful documents: